The first Global Conference of IPSI, consisting of the Assembly, Public Forum, and the Steering Committee meeting, was held in Aichi, Japan during 10-11 March 2011.
The IPSI, an international platform launched at the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), facilitates the implementation of activities identified by the Satoyama Initiative. The Partnership comprises numerous committed organisations including national and local governments, research institutes, international organisations, NGOs and private companies seeking to promote and support the accomplishment of the objectives of the Satoyama Initiative.
Outline and result of discussions
[10 March: The IPSI Assembly]
The IPSI Assembly was attended by member representatives to review activities and to take decisions on institutional matters. The amended Operational Framework was adopted and 18 Steering Committee members were appointed from among IPSI members. UNU-IAS was designated as the IPSI Secretariat based on an assessment of its previous contribution and its institutional capacity for carrying out required operations.
[10 March: The Steering Committee]
The Steering Committee approved 23 new IPSI members , and endorsed 10 IPSI collaborative activities
[11 March: The Public Forum]
The Public Forum was attended by all interested stakeholders (1) to strengthen collaboration and synergies among members as well as between the Satoyama Initiative and other relevant initiatives and programmes, and (2) to enhance understanding and raise awareness of the importance of socio-ecological production landscapes.
The discussions were divided into five different topics: Knowledge Facilitation, Policy Research, Indicator Research, Capacity Building and On-the-ground activities. During the Public Forum session, 43 organisations presented their activities in accordance with IPSI concepts.
After the Public Forum presentations and interactive discussions, a panel discussion was held to share each session’s conclusions and to summarise the discussion.
The meeting documents of this event, discussion papers, other relevant information such as the programme, presentations, and information papers are now available for download. The summary of this conference will be available soon.
![[Conference Participants]](
[Conference Participants]
![[IPSI Assembly]](
[IPSI Assembly]
![[Public Forum]](
[Public Forum]
![[Panel Discussion]](
[Panel Discussion]
Summary Records
Summary Report of the First Global Conference of IPSI
IPSI Assembly Programme (10 March)
Public Forum Programme (11 March)
Planned Excursion (12March)
Operational Framework
First amendment version (10 March 2011) download
List of the Steering Committee members
All IPSI members list
New IPSI members list
List of endorsed Collaborative Activities
Keynote Speech (11 March)
Jeff McNeely, Senior Science Advisor, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) download
Keynote Speech (11 March)
Kalemani Jo Mulongoy, Principal Officer, Division of Scientific, Technical and Technological Matters, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) download
In-session Documents
Cluster 1. Knowledge Facilitation
Abstracts of Presentations (Public Forum) download
Cluster 2: Policy Research
Abstracts of Presentations (Public Forum) download
Cluster 3: Indicator Research
Abstracts of Presentations (Public Forum) download
Cluster 4: Capacity Building
Abstracts of Presentations (Public Forum) download
Cluster 5: On the ground
Abstracts of Presentations (Public Forum) download
List of Presenting Organisations
Public Forum download
United Nations University (Knowledge Facilitation) download
Ghana National Biodiversity Committee download
HELP Davao Network (Policy Research) download
Aichi Prefecture (Policy Research) download
Faculty of Science, Centre for Ecology and Natural Resources, University of Sarajevo (Policy Research) download
Government of Japan [Ministry of the Environment] (Policy Research) download
Government of Japan [Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries] (Policy Research) download
Kanazawa University (Policy Research) download
Kathmandu Forestry Collage (Policy Research) download
Ministry of Environment, Cambodia (Policy Research) download
Ministry of Environment, Gabon (Policy Research) download
Ministry of Environment, Peru (Policy Research) download
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand (Policy Research) download
NGO Circle for Conservation of Natural Resources [ONG Ce.Sa.Re.N] (Policy Research) download
Biodiversity International (Indicators Research) download
Kenya Wetlands Biodiversity Research Team [KENWEB] (Indicators Research) download
Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education [TEBTEBBA] (Indicators Research) download
Kanuri Development Association (Indicators Research) download
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity [SCBD] (Capacity Building) download
Global Environmental Facility [GEF] (Capacity Building) download
Association for Nature and Sustainable Development [ANDES] (Capacity Building) download
EcoAgriculture Partners (Capacity Building) download
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science, the University of Tokyo (Capacity Building) download
Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation [ERECON] (Capacity Building) download
International Tropical Timber Organisation [ITTO] (Capacity Building) download
Japan International Cooperation Agency [JICA] (Capacity Building) download
United Nations Centre for Regional Development [UNCRD] (Capacity Building) download
Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal (on the Ground) download
Forest Peoples Programme [FPP] (on the Ground) download
Asahi Kasei Corporation (on the Ground) download
BirdLife International (on the Ground) download
Centre of Culture Identity and Resources Use Management [CIRUM] (on the Ground) download
Conservation International (on the Ground) download
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Chad (on the Ground) download
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan [INBAR] (on the Ground) download
Indigenous Peoples’ Biocultural Climate Change Assessment [IPCCA] (on the Ground) download
Live & Learn Environmental Education [LLEE] (on the Ground) download
Ministry of Environment, Togo (on the Ground) download
National Environmental Council for Sustainable Development, Niger (on the Ground) download