CBD Events
8 October 2014: CBD COP 12 Side Event “Mobilizing Resources for mainstreaming biodiversity into production landscapes and seascapes”
2014.10.08 -
CBD Events
6 October 2014: CBD COP 12 Side Event “Contribution to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets from the ground up: Engaging diverse communities and perspectives through the Satoyama Initiative”
2014.10.06 -
IPSI Global Conference
4-5 October 2014: The Fifth IPSI Global Conference (IPSI-5) in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea
2014.10.05 -
Other events
24 July 2014: ISAP 2014 Parallel Session “Benefits and Challenges of Community Engagement for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity” in Yokohama, Japan
2014.07.24 -
Other events
22-23 July 2014: IPSI Case Study Experts Workshop
2014.07.23 -
Regional Workshop
27-29 May 2014, The Satoyama Initiative European Regional Workshop in Florence
2014.05.29 -
Other events
24-25 February 2014: Workshop on Guidelines for Wetland City Accreditation in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
2014.02.24 -
Other events
29-31 January 2014: Seminars and Workshop for Indicators of Resilience in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes held in Rome, Italy
2014.01.28 -
Other events
9-14 December 2013: Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES-2)