Introducing IPSI’s 12 Newest Members
Directly prior to the start of the
Second IPSI Global Conference held in Nairobi from 13-14 March 2012, the IPSI Steering Committee approved 11 membership applications from organizations around the world seeking to join the partnership.
Please take a moment to learn more about our newest members!
- Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature (Cameroon)
- Development Centre of Liaohe River Reserve, Liao Ning Province (China)
- Liao Ning Province Authority of Liaohe River (China)
- Toyooka City (Japan)
- Institute Acao Verde (Brazil)
- Urato’s “Children of the sea” Revitalizing Project (Japan)
- Centre for integrated Mountain Research (CIMR), Punjab University, Lahore (Pakistan)
- Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo (Japan)
- University of Nairobi (Kenya)
- Yokohama National University (Japan)
- Dell Japan, Inc. (Japan)
- United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
The full list of IPSI members (117) is available on the IPSI
website. Please contact the
IPSI Secretariat at any time if your organization would like to add any information on this page.
A Message from One of IPSI’s New Members
“Institute Acao Verde looks forward to participating in the International Partnership for the Satoyama
Initiative and strengthening global co-operation. The institute wants to present its case and discuss necessary improvements with the global community in order to improve it so that it can be as useful as possible. Most of all, we want to make our activities of service to the Satoyama
Initiative, and learn how to collaborate towards protecting the biodiversity of both wild and human-influenced natural environments by implementing its goals of long term sustainability with the Verde Rio project.”
Video on Restoration in Japan’s Kirikiri Area now Online

One of the participants at IPSI-2, Ms. Friederike Mikulcak from IPSI member Leuphana University Lueneburg also published
a short report on her experiences during the conference.
The Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunamis claimed numerous lives and caused unprecedented destruction. The video: ‘Striving to Restore the Way of Life’ provides a record of the rebuilding process of the way of life of the people in this area.
This video is the result of an IPSI collaborative activity between the Network for Coexistence with Nature, United Nations University, and the Ink Cartridge Satogaeri Recycling Project. It is now available online
Satoyama Initiative Side Event to be held at Rio+20
The IPSI Secretariat is pleased to confirm that a side event will be held on 18 June 2012 at Rio+20 entitled “The
Satoyama Initiative and the Green Economy”. During this side event, IPSI activities, in particular those with strong links to the Green Economy will be introduced, followed by a discussion on how IPSI could expand its activities to further contribute to the Green Economy.
A keynote speech by Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Vice Rector of the United Nations University is planned and will be followed by a panel discussion including presentations by representatives of UNDP, Ministry of the Environment Japan, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and private sector organization Fruta Fruta.
Final preparations are still underway, but read more
here and look for a formal announcement on the
Satoyama Initiative website in the coming weeks.
Key Information
Side Event Title: The
Satoyama Initiative and the Green Economy
Date: 18 June 2012
Time: 14:30 – 16:00
Venue: Japan Pavilion (Athletes’ Park)
Organizers: Ministry of the Environment Japan, IPSI Secretariat (UNU-IAS)
For further information about the
Satoyama Initiative, to read case studies, download conference presentations and read the latest news, please visit the website at
Please share your latest news, photos, publications and more with the IPSI Secretariat so that they can be shared with the partnership in future newsletters and on our website. All materials and questions can be directed to