
The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) are pleased to announce a call for papers for the third volume of the series “Satoyama Initiativ...


The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) are pleased to announce a call for papers for the third volume of the series “Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review”. The third volume will feature the theme “Livelihoods and socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)”. Authors from IPSI member organizations who have case studies relevant to this theme (see below) are highly encouraged to submit a manuscript following the guidance provided in this call for submissions.

About the “Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review”

The Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review is a compilation of case studies providing useful knowledge and lessons focusing on a specific theme related to “socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)”. The overall aim is to collect practical experiences and relevant knowledge, taking advantage of on-the-ground activities by practitioners while contributing to policy recommendations. Each volume also includes a synthesis chapter clarifying its relevance to policy and academic discussion to encourage the application of lessons learned in the field.

See the past two volumes from the link below.

Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review Vol.1: “Enhancing knowledge for better management of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)”

Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review Vol.2: “Mainstreaming concepts and approaches of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) into policy and decision-making”


“Livelihoods and socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes”

Socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) are dynamic and complex ecosystems managed by humans, and furnishing the basic necessities for humans’ survival.  Good livelihoods are fundamental to the well-being of people living in SEPLS, and can only be supported by a well-functioning environment. The healthy ecosystems with rich biodiversity found in SEPLS enable humans to obtain basic provisioning necessities such as food, water, materials for fuel, shelter and clothing. At the same time, human livelihood activities affect ecosystems and biodiversity through selection of crops and livestock, and ways of farming and fishing and forestry that conserve important species. The choice and pursuit of livelihoods, therefore, is central to the link between humans and nature in SEPLS.

The cultural dimension is highly important here; for example, festivals and rituals are often connected to timing of production activities such as harvests, while local cuisine and crafts depend on products specific to the region. Likewise, in the social dimension, many community-based institutions center around production process governing collective activities for natural resource management in SEPLS, such as cultivation processes, water management and rules for forest resource use.

While SEPLS are inherently dynamic and evolving in nature, how they evolve greatly influences their sustainability. Recent market developments and environmental changes have rapidly altered livelihood activities based on local natural resources. When changes in production activities cut the mutually beneficial links between people and nature, the result is degradation of local resources and biodiversity with adverse effects on socio-cultural aspects in SEPLS. On the other hand, connecting improved livelihoods to better management measures can contribute to the sustainability of SEPLS and the well-being of local communities.

In this context, the third volume of the “Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review” aims to contribute to enhancing knowledge of this human-nature linkage in SEPLS with analysis through the lens of “livelihoods”. While the definition of “livelihoods” can be broad, the primary focus of the volume is production activities that are based on natural resources in SEPLS, and that are practiced as subsistence and income generation for the well-being of local people. The volume will try to compile knowledge on how and under what conditions livelihood activities in SEPLS can contribute to local socio-cultural and economic conditions, and how it can connect to peoples’ well-being while supporting biodiversity.

Toward this purpose, papers based on IPSI members’ activities that illustrate livelihood activities with their implications for biodiversity, socio-cultural, and economic aspects in SEPLS will be welcome. Papers may include aspects such as characteristics of and changes in livelihood activities, and their influence on environmental, socio-cultural and economic aspects of SEPLS. They may also describe experiences with management interventions and associated lessons learned for win-win relationships between livelihoods and biodiversity.

It is expected that submitted papers will include basic information related to livelihoods in the SEPLS described, such as current modes of livelihoods, socio-ecological settings, cultural aspects, crops and other materials produced or collected and changes in these aspects, as well as major drivers of change (e.g., changes in policies, peoples’ values and lifestyles).

The volume is aimed at a broad range of readers working on the issues related to SEPLS in various ways, including on-the-ground practitioners, policymakers and researchers, and is expected to be a useful reference material for those who are interested in sustainable land and marine resource management.

How to submit a manuscript and what happens after submission


Authors are invited to submit a paper if at least one of the authors belongs to an IPSI Member Organization. (See https://satoyamainitiative.org/old/en/partnership/ipsi_members/)


Authors are requested to submit the abstract (400 words) to the IPSI Secretariat by email (isi@unu.edu) by 15 January 2017. Submission of a full manuscript should be made before 15 March, after receiving confirmation from the editorial team. Authors are requested to follow the Authors’ Guide and the reference style (coming soon), and are encouraged to use the Template for Manuscripts. Case studies that have already been submitted to the IPSI Secretariat can be submitted after editing as needed to conform to the Author’s Guide. After screening, selected authors will be informed in April and then invited to a Case Study Workshop planned to be held in Japan in late June 2017. This Case Study Workshop will offer an opportunity for getting feedback on manuscripts and discussion among participants for development of a synthesis paper to be included in the volume.

Timeline (dates are subject to change):

15 January 2017: Deadline for submission of abstracts (400 words)
15 March 2017: Deadline for submission of full manuscripts
April 2017: Notification of selected authors
Late June 2017: Selected authors participate in Case Study Workshop (Japan)
August 2017: Revision of manuscripts
January 2018: Publication

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For inquiries, please contact

Mr. Yohsuke Amano or Dr. Kaoru Ichikawa at the IPSI Secretariat (isi@unu.edu).