TOPEVENTSUNU-IAS OUIK webinar: The Coastal Seascapes We Want! – Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research
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UNU-IAS OUIK webinar: The Coastal Seascapes We Want! – Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research
To commemorate World Oceans Day 2021 as well as the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, UNU-IAS Operating Unit Ishikawa, Kanazawa (OUIK) will organise a webinar to commemorate this occasion on 8 June 2021 from 16:00 – 17:30 JST. The theme for this webinar will be “The Coastal Seascapes We Want – Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research” and will bring together women scientists and ocean activists of different nationalities who base their research in Japan, including Dr. Evonne Yiu of IPSI Secretariat. They will share their passion for the ocean and experiences working on ocean-related research, particularly conserving coastal seascapes, their biodiversity, and related livelihoods. The webinar also intends to call for diverse expertise and a holistic understanding of the ocean, including greater emphasis on social sciences and focus on coastal seascapes, to address the UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science’s call for “The Science We Need For The Ocean We Want”.