TOPEVENTSGlobal Landscapes Forum Session: "Seizing the landscape opportunity to catalyse transformative biodi...
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Global Landscapes Forum Session: "Seizing the landscape opportunity to catalyse transformative biodiversity governance"
A session titled “Seizing the landscape opportunity to catalyse transformative biodiversity governance” and including SEPLS perspectives from the Satoyama Initiative was held on 29 October 2020 as part of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Biodiversity Digital Conference. The event was organized by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency along with partners including UNU-IAS, host of the IPSI Secretariat. According to the session webpage, “The new CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) will build on a theory of change aiming for transformative shifts and involving the whole of society. Landscape-based initiatives and approaches across the globe have evidenced the potential contribution of non-state actors in achieving global goals. Landscape governance arrangements are complementary to existing CBD approaches, and align with the GBF objectives. This session highlighted and discuss the role of landscape approaches and arrangements undertaken by non-state actors to support the GBF, discuss how policies could support this and illustrate the potential for area-based non-state actor GBF commitments and verification.”