TOPEVENTSCOP15 Event - OECMs and Green Economies: Productive Landscapes for Nature-positive Society
CBD Events
COP15 Event - OECMs and Green Economies: Productive Landscapes for Nature-positive Society
Date: 8 December 2022
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 PM EST
On 8 December 2022, Conservation International, the IPSI Secretariat, and UNU-IAS (host of the IPSI Secretariat) will co-organise a session at the Nature Positive Pavilion taking place at CBD COP15. The event will focus on processes related to OECMs, in particular how financial aspects contribute to making landscapes and seascapes effective as OECMs for long-term biodiversity conservation. The session is co-organised with Conservation International.
The session is open to attendees of CBD COP15 in the Small Room at the Nature Positive Pavilion. It will be available on livestream.
Terence Hay-Edie (Programme Advisor for Biodiversity, UNDP-GEF Small Grants)
Kathy MacKinnon (Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas)
Justin Mohan (Secretary, National Biodiversity Authority of India)
CBD Parties continue to consider how productive landscapes and seascapes, where human communities exist and use the local biodiversity for their livelihoods, will be dealt with in OECM policy. This event continues this discussion under the joint CI and UNU-IAS project on OECMs and “socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes” (SEPLS) that has progressed in earlier CBD meetings. This time, the specific topic will be how financial and economic factors may affect the identification, management, and effectiveness of OECMs that include human productive areas. The event will bring together a variety of stakeholders to present the latest knowledge, and will provide space for discussion.