On 25 and 26 July 2019, the IPSI Secretariat at UNU-IAS and The University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives (UT-IFI) held an international workshop entitled “Implementing integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)” at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
This workshop was part of an IPSI Collaborative Activity joint research project between UNU-IAS and IR3S on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to help CBD Parties achieve their biodiversity goals and fulfill their international commitments. Representatives from the governments of Guinea, Egypt, France, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, the Dominican Republic, and Bosnia and Herzegovina – IPSI member and other countries identified for their inclusion of integrated landscape management in their NBSAPs in some form – plus experts from academia and policy-related organizations, got together to discuss policy processes, challenges and opportunities in implementation of national policy.
Workshop outcomes will be published in the final report of the research project, with plans ongoing to feed key findings into the development process for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.