On 16 and 17 January 2018, IPSI members The University of Tokyo’s Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (UTIR3S) and UNU-IAS, the host of the IPSI Secretariat, co-organized an international workshop entitled “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes: Integrated Approaches in Design and Implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)” at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

Participants in the workshop
This workshop was part of an IPSI Collaborative Activity joint research project between UNU-IAS and IR3S on development and implementation of NBSAPs, with the specific focus on incorporating integrated landscape management approaches to help CBD Parties achieve their biodiversity goals and fulfill their international commitments. Representatives from the governments of Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Estonia, Japan, Mexico and South Africa – IPSI member and other countries identified for their inclusion of integrated landscape management in their NBSAPs in some form – got together to present their national policies and discuss policy processes, challenges and opportunities, along with experts from UNU-IAS, The University of Tokyo, the CBD Secretariat and others.
Workshop outcomes are being compiled, and will be published in the final report of the research project, with plans ongoing to share key findings with the CBD at the second meeting of its Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-2) in July 2018.
Workshop Materials
Booklet containing abstracts of all countries’ case studies
Presentation slides from UT-IR3S: “Introduction to the research project and this workshop”
Presentation slides from SCBD: “Global Status of Updating NBSAPs and Initial Assessments of Updated NBSAPs”
Presentation slides from UNU-IAS: “Introduction to the Satoyama Initiative and IPSI”
Presentation slides from Cambodia: “Cambodia’s NBSAP implementation related to Production Landscapes”
Presentation slides from Colombia: “Mangrove Ecosystems in Colombia: Current status of the ecosystem and actions for its conservation and management”
Presentation slides from Ethiopia: Ethiopia-min
Presentation slides from Estonia: “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: the case of Estonian grasslands”
Presentation slides from Japan: “Japan’s NBSAP and Satoyama Landscape Policies”
Presentation slides from Mexico: “Implementation of the Mexican National Biodiversity Strategy: the mainstreaming process”
Presentation slides from South Africa: South Africa-min