SDM Project: Documentation of Biological Resources for Preparation and Piloting of Local Bio-diversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) in Three Ecological Production Landscapes of Nepal
The Katmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL) was requested by the Nepali Government to review the national Biodiversity Strategy (2002) and Implementation Plan (2006-2010) to provide a foundation for the revision of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). In this context, and with an aspiration for realistic biodiversity planning, KAFCOL focused on a bottom-up development of local biodiversity strategy and action plans (LBSAPs) with Village Development Committees (VDCs), the smallest administrative unit in Nepal.
LBSAP Project site visited by a farmers group from a neighbouring district
A woman in a high-hill village explaining the diversity of medicinal plants