TOPACTIVITIESIPSI Collaborative ActivitiesResearch on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches in...
Research on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Lead organizations: Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo; United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
Participating organizations (IPSI members): The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)
To assist with the implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, in particular its 2050 Vision and relevant Aichi Targets (Target 11), UNU-IAS and UT-IR3S conducted a research project to promote incorporation of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and their implementation during 2016-2017. The research activities included literature reviews, analysis of NBSAPs and international workshop. The research found that about half of NBSAPs reviewed (59 of 133) made explicit reference to concepts of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes, while almost all (132 of 133 NBSAPs) referred to similar concepts or their elements. Some countries are also successfully implementing projects or policies related to these concepts while implementing their NBSAPs. Participating countries of the international workshop held in January 2018 collectively identified good practices and challenges in incorporating integrated approaches in landscape management into the development and implementation of NBSAPs, which may provide useful examples for other parties.
However, several issues have not yet been elucidated that should be further determined and clarified, which include:
- the definition, focus and range of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes for countries to better understand these concepts in order to relate their existing activities to these approaches;
- the merits and needs of incorporating and implementing the concepts into NBSAPs so as to help countries understand the benefits and encourage them to implement these approaches across the countries at both national and local level;
- principles for implementing integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes by identifying factors and processes of successful implementation; and
the needs, interest and intentions of overall CBD Parties so that these approaches could be widely accepted and implemented under the NBSAPs.
Therefore, in light of these unresolved issues mentioned above, UNU-IAS and UT-IR3S will continue the “Research on development and implementation of NBSAPs to realization of societies in harmony” with nature under a Phase 2 project, “Research on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)” during FY 2018-2019, and with the following objectives:
- Promote Parties’ understanding of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes and the merits of incorporating and implementing these concepts into NBSAPs;
- Provide Parties with information on “good practices” on how to implement integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes into NBSAPs; and
- Clarify how integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes can contribute to biodiversity mainstreaming including issues related to Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-Based Conversation Measures (OECM)
IR3S, in collaboration with UNU-IAS, will conduct the following activities aiming to contribute to the development and implementation of NBSAPs that integrate the concept of integrated approaches in production landscapes by developing technical reference materials for policy administrators in order to promote appropriate landscape and seascape management for conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use. The end product would be in the form of a technical guide or implementation manual with a collection of case studies.
(1) Comparative study of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes
While there are many existing guidelines, principles or key factors related to several concepts of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes, the research will conduct a comparative study of these concepts through literature review and expert advice to determine the similarities and differences conceptually as well as the implementation process. This clarification of concepts will help Parties understand and identify these approaches and ensure better implementation under the NBSAPs. An expert panel of 7 to 10 experts from different regions and backgrounds – government, academia, NGOs, IPSI members – will be formed and to conduct online discussions sessions.
(2) Recommend principles for successful implementation of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes;
Based on the key findings and research recommendations from Phase 1, such as the need for cooperation between different levels – national, subnational and local – and key success factors for cooperation – concept integration, institutional cooperation, communication, and education and incentives –Phase 2 will continue to gather case studies based on these factors from Parties and determine) determine the principles, including identifying factors and processes, for successful implementation of integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes.
(3) Collection of information related to incorporation of integrated approaches in production landscapes into NBSAPs and their implementation
To investigate the CBD Parties’ status of incorporation of the integrated approaches in production landscapes into NBSAPs and pick up additional good practices, based on the recommended principles above, conduct the WEB survey[1] with SCBD support. The WEB survey will ask for information on their perceived principles, countries’ needs and priorities, name and contact details of respondents etc. The result of WEB survey will be used to develop practical measures corresponding to the each of recommended principle. In addition, it could help pick up several countries for investigating further good practices.
(4) Validation of the recommended principles and resource manual (draft)
To check and validate the recommended principles and further gather good practices, several countries will be invited to an international workshop to discuss about the validity of recommended principles and its corresponding implementing measures, and also review the draft of our proposed resource manual (based on findings from comparative study and web-survey),
(5) Development of resource manual
Based on the abovementioned activities, develop a report including technical reference materials which assist policy administrators to effectively implement integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes into NBSAPs. The end product could be in the form of a resource manual with a collection of case studies.
[1] WEB survey supported by SCBD or conducted by SCBD:
Expected outcomes
By understanding the current situation and causes for incorporation of these integrated approaches, the study will provide useful knowledge on future NBSAP development and implementation. It is expected that the research will identify means for concepts like the Satoyama Initiative and SEPLS to be appropriately included in NBSAPs and ultimately contribute to the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets through appropriate management of production landscapes, with the aim of societies in harmony with nature.