TOPACTIVITIESIPSI Collaborative ActivitiesLandscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action P...
Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning
Lead organization: EcoAgriculture Partners
Other participating organizations: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Bioversity International (BI), Conservation International (CI), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), The United Nations University (UNU)
The international Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning initiative has four objectives:
1. To share and assess experience with diverse models for ecoagriculture (socio-ecological production ) landscape development and take stock of lessons learned and recent progress globally;
2. To identify and understand the demographic, market, ecological, and other forces that influence ecoagriculture (socio-ecological production) landscapes and their potential to achieve production, conservation, and livelihood goals;
3. To showcase tools developed in areas such as landscape analysis, multi-stakeholder planning, strategic design of interventions, policy design, sustainable supply chain development, and monitoring of impacts and outcomes; and
4. To define and mobilize an international action agenda to support innovators and develop ecoagriculture (socio-ecological production) landscapes on a scale that would make a significant difference in achieving global goals for food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
This two-year process will be oriented around approximately 6-8 Key Questions, the answers to which will be critical to management, policy, and investment for rural landscapes in the coming decade. The first year will focus on analysis, synthesis and consultations among innovators. Results will be fed into an international Conference to be held in late February/early March of 2012, in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by UNEP. During the second year, outputs from the Conference will be published and disseminated to different field, program and policy audiences, to support the scaling up of agricultural landscape investment. EcoAgriculture Partners leads the group of Co-Organizers, which presently include Bioversity International, Conservation International, UNEP, and World Agroforestry Centre. We propose that the Secretariat of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) and other interested IPSI members also become a Core Organizer of this meeting, to ensure that Satoyama Initiative’s concept and experience are fully incorporated and to enhance the international profile of IPSI efforts.
Clusters to be allocated
This initiative will contribute to Goal 1 identified by the Paris Declaration: Enhance understanding and raise awareness of the importance of socio-ecological production landscapes for livelihoods and the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is relevant to all three Clusters under this Goal:
Cluster 1. Knowledge Facilitation. A major objective of the Conference will be to collect, analyse, synthesisse and compare landscape case studies, and distill lessons learned for dissemination.
Cluster 2. Policy Research. The initiative will commission, synthesize and review research on ways and means to (i) promote wisdom, knowledge and practice which enables a stable supply of diverse ecosystem services; (ii) build bridges for inter-cultural communication between traditional ecological knowledge systems and modern science; (iii) Explore new forms of co-management systems or “new” commons while respecting traditional communal land tenure; (iv) revitalise and innovate socio-ecological production landscapes; and (v) integrate results in policy and decision-making processes, including the Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change in Vietnam in late first quarter of 2012 and the CSD meeting in Brazil in May 2012.
Cluster 3. Indicators Research. The Conference will have as a major theme the long-term monitoring an assessment of agricultural landscapes and associated measurable indicators of resilience associated with linkages between human well-being and the socio-ecological production landscape mosaic, including linkages between wild and anthropogenic components of landscape and ecosystems; and applying these indicators to contribute to the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach.
IPSI member organisations to be involved
Most of the current Core Organizers of this initiative are already members of IPSI. This Conference and Knowledge Exchange can involve all members of IPSI. Ideally, as many as possible can participate in the meeting. Representatives from each of the Cluster activities can present results of IPSI work, and participate in thematic working groups. IPSI members who are unable to attend the Conference in Nairobi can still be actively involved in electronic discussions that will be held during the months before the meeting. The IPSI Secretariat and other interested IPSI members are invited to sit on the International Steering Committee, and to engage with the other Core Co-Organizers in making strategic decisions about the Conference program, inputs and outputs.
It is further proposed that IPSI hold its 2012 Public Forum and the IPSI Assembly back-to-back with the Ecoagriculture Conference, to facilitate international exchange of knowledge, showcase IPSI in this international audience, and conserve financial resources for travel and organization.
The Conference will be hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme at their headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, tentatively February 26-March 2, 2012. Knowledge exchange activities and commissioning of background papers will begin in March 2011.
Contact details
For more information, contact: Dr. Sara J. Scherr, President, EcoAgriculture Partners, or Dr. Jeffrey Milder, Director, Research Program, EcoAgriculture Partners,, 730 11th Street, NW, Suite 301; Washington, DC 20001; tel: 202-393-5315; Fax: 202-393-2424.