TOPNEWSNew publication: Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia
A book was recently published as an entry in Springer Nature’s series “Science for Sustainable Societies” titled Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes andSeascapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia: Mapping and Navigating Stakeholders, Policy and Action. The book is edited by UNU-IAS Prof. Osamu Saito and colleagues, and contains a great deal of information about SEPLS that should be of interest to readers within and beyond the IPSI community. It contains two chapters by staff of the IPSI Secretariat – “Lessons Learned from Application of the “Indicators of Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)” Under the Satoyama Initiative” by William Dunbar et. al.; and “Place-Based Solutions for Conservation and Restoration of Social-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes in Asia” by Raffaela Kozar et. al. – and other chapters by authors from IPSI members and others who will be familiar to many in the IPSI community.
The book is available for download on an open acces basis at the Springer website here.