Five New Members and Four IPSI Collaborative Activities Endorsed
We are pleased to announce the IPSI Steering Committee recently endorsed five new member organizations. Bringing IPSI’s total membership to 333 organizations! Meet the new members:
Indigenous or Local Organization
Industry or Private Sector Organization
- Tainan New Agricultural Biotechnology Production Cooperative
Non-Governmental or Civil Society Organizations
Other Government Affiliated Organization
We look forward to collaborating closely with all of them to promote the Satoyama Initiative concept in the future.
Moreover, the Steering Committee approved 4 new IPSI Collaborative Activities, bringing the total number of activities to 72. The new activities are:
- Youth-led Sustainable Pastoralism and Ecosystem Restoration in SEPLS
Collaborating organizations: Pastoralist Economic and Social Advancement (PESA) and Small Actions for Enterprises (SAFE) Ghana - Integrating Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) for Effective and Equitable Area-based Conservation, Aligning with 30×30: A Joint International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) Initiative (Phase one)
Collaborating organizations: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); UNU-IAS; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); and Asian Development Bank (ADB). - Implementation of the IPSI Strategy and Plan of Action’s Strategic Objective 4 on Ecosystem Restoration: Stocktaking and Gap Analysis to Promote Effective Restoration Activities
Collaborating organizations: ADB; UNDP; and UNU-IAS. - Collective Action Plans to Build a Sustainable Value Chain for SEPLS
Collaborating organizations: Conservation International Japan; UNU-IAS; and Akita International University (AIU).
IPSI members are encouraged to propose activities carried out cooperatively by multiple organizations, including at least two IPSI members, as IPSI Collaborative Activities. If any IPSI members would like to propose a new Collaborative Activity, please contact the IPSI Secretariat for the Proposal Form.