TOPACTIVITIESIPSI Collaborative ActivitiesMaking OECMs Work: Landscape Approaches for Effective Area-Based Conservation
Making OECMs Work: Landscape Approaches for Effective Area-Based Conservation
Lead organization: Conservation International Japan
Other participating organizations: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
1. Background
Parties and governing bodies of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have been involved in an ongoing policy process to explore the identification and designation of “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs), meaning conservation areas other than legally protected areas. A document defining and outlining criteria for identification of OECMs was developed by a team spearheaded by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and was subsequently accepted by the Conference of the Parties to the CBD. UNU-IAS and CI have both been involved in this policy process—particularly in terms of how the concept of “socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes” (SEPLS) as promoted under the Satoyama Initiative relates to and can contribute to OECMs.
Building on this work already begun, the project outlined here aims to further develop understanding of landscape approaches and OECMs and to help Parties with designation and management of OECMs. Ultimately, the project will contribute toward the long-term goals of improving sustainability and resilience in landscapes and seascapes, real-world contributions to the 2050 Vision of the CBD “living in harmony with nature”, and recognition of the importance of productive landscapes for biodiversity and global sustainability policy.
2. Activities
- Gathering Information on OECMs and related issues
The project will gather information on the OECM policy and implementation process meetings of the CBD and other international conferences.
- Conducting Expert Dialogues and related events
An Expert Dialogue meeting, or series of such meetings, will be held to invite leading experts on OECMs to consider relationships between OECMs and SEPLS, potential for production landscapes and seascapes to be recognized as OECMs, CBD Parties’ needs in terms of knowledge and resources, and related issues. Side events at CBD meetings and other events will also be held to the extent possible
- Research activities
The project will create research outputs on landscape approaches and OECMs, including policy briefs, academic articles, and a report on the needs for an indicator-based tool to be used in the field for OECM identification and management.
- Outreach
Project outputs and findings will be disseminated using the leading organizations’ communications channels, including coordination with the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI).
- Future activities
The project will conclude with an assessment of needs for ongoing and future work.