IPSI Case Study Online Workshop 2021
An online IPSI case study workshop was held by UNU-IAS, the host of the IPSI Secretariat, from 28 to 30 June 2021 as part of the process of developing the publication of the seventh volume of Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review (SITR Vol. 7). The theme of this year’s workshop was “the nexus between biodiversity, health, and sustainable development in managing socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS).” The primary focus of this volume is on the interlinkages between biodiversity and multiple dimensions of health (e.g., physical, mental, and spiritual). This recognises that SEPLS management can result in multiple benefits extending beyond biodiversity conservation to human and ecosystem health and make important contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The workshop brought together case study authors and reviewers to share their cases and provide feedback on their manuscripts for further improvement. Participants exchanged their views on the concept of the nexus between biodiversity, health, and sustainable development in the context of SEPLS management, and discussed the methodologies to measure the effectiveness of SEPLS management in regard to securing and improving both ecosystem and human health. They also explored challenges and opportunities for minimizing trade-offs and maxmising synergies between different efforts augmenting ecosystem and human health as well as well-being, by taking lessons from the IPSI case studies.
SITR Vol. 7 is planned to be published in early next year, including the write-ups of eleven case studies and a synthesis paper. For the past volumes of SITR, please see here.