SDM Project: Preparing the conservation and development of cultural landscapes on a European level
Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege e.V. (DVL)/ Germany
Trashumancia y Naturaleza (Spain), Pogany-havas regional Association (Romania), Baltic Environemtal Forum (LI), Legambiente Lombardia (Italy), Conservatoires d’espace naturel (France), Buuren Natuur (Netherlands), Biological Station Sicona (Luxemburg)
Landcare Europe, cultural landscapes, European network
Marie Kaerlein, Coordinator International Affairs
DVL is in contact and working in a network with several European organization working in the field of cooperative nature conservation for preserving our cultural landscapes, its biodiversity and enable local people an reliable income and good living. Over the last years the need for collaboration on a European level became more and more important due to the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and several European directives, e.g. water framework directive and Natura 2000. The overall goals and obligations are the same, but member states have very different conditions to implement directives. It is very useful to exchange experiences and give back feedback in a common voice to the European Commission. Even though there already exist several organizations for nature conservation and farmers ‘organizations on a European level, there is none representing the combination of both to foster the principle of people living in harmony with nature. Although organizations in different countries have different focuses, the general aim for a sustainable and cultural land use often is the same. To discuss challenges, solutions and common ideas for a joint project the European partners participated in the German Landcare Conference in Germany. Some also gave presentations about their cultural landscapes/SEPLs, its threats and benefits at the international forum of the conference. Afterwards DVL and its partners applied for a project “Landcare Europe” to improve the cooperation and political work on a European Union. First an application for a special European Parliament Pilot Project (EP PP) was handed in. Its aim was to set up a European organization “Landcare Europe” to support common goals, inform politicians and members of the European Commission or improve the exchange of good practices on a European level. Unfortunately, this proposal was not approved. Therefore DVL and its partners applied for a European LIFE project which is divided in a two stage process. The process to agree on a common concept note required a lot of discussions and phone conferences. Even te concept note was evaluated as good, the points did not reach the threshold for the next stage. That is why DVL had a meeting at the European Commission to discuss next strategic steps and funding options at the end of the SDM project to work on the idea and agreed project in the future.