Lead organization: National Council for Environment and sustainable Development, Niger
Other participating organizations: KDA
Overview of the activity
What is ANR?
Assisted natural trees regeneration is an agro-forestry practice which consists of protecting trees on agricultural farmlands. Young trees are nursed and protective fences are placed to allow them grow. Trees concerned by this activity are mainly useful trees from which many benefits can be derived. In Niger, the following trees are usually protected: Acacia albida, Pilostigma reticulatum, Ziziphus Africana, Combretum gluttinosum, Anona senegalensis, Tamarindus indica, Bauhinia rufescens, Balanites aegypticia. This regeneration activity has proven to be efficient since the trees can reach around 100 to 143 per ha, with a density between 78-84%.
This practice has numerous advantages:
For the local communities:
- Enough wood for domestic consumption,
- Food supply through fiber and non-fiber products,
- Leaves, roots and tree barks for traditional medicine,
- Wood for house building.
For the animals:
Shelters, browsing during dry season, hence reducing animal nomadism.
For the soils:
- Maintenance of soils humidity,
- Increase in soils fertility,
- A Wind break protection.
Justification of the activity
In Niger, many case studies had been conducted on ANR, but all these documents are scattered and are not available for the policy makers, local communities and the governmental agencies. The aim of this activity is to capitalize around 42 documents on ANR (21 BSc projects work; 19 MSc projects work; 1 international workshop; 1study report) in order to produce a useful document which could be used not only in Niger not throughout the world.
Clusters 1 Time frame :
This activity will cover around 7 months.
Contact details:
Attari Boukar,
National Council for Environment and sustainable Development,
P.O.Box: 10193
Telephone: +227 90618303
e-mail: attariboukar@yahoo.fr