Lead organization: Conservation International (Conservation International Japan)
Other participating organizations: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Global Environment Facility
“GEF-Satoyama Project” aims to achieve societies in harmony with nature, with sustainable primary production sector based on traditional and modern wisdom, and making significant contributions to global targets for conservation of biological diversity. This project intends to address the barriers that SEPLS faces globally, such as insufficient recognition of their values and dynamic nature and weak governance, and contribute to the achievement of multiple Aichi Biodiversity Targets and Sustainable Development Goals.
We approach this global issue in three interrelated, mutually-informing components:
Component 1: “On-the-ground demonstration.” Enhancing livelihood, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services through investing in demonstration projects in three biodiversity hotspots; nine projects in total. Intended outcome include effective conservation management in these areas, improved conservation status of globally threatened species and protection of traditional knowledge.
Component 2: “Knowledge generation.” Improving knowledge generation to increase understanding, raise awareness and promote mainstreaming biodiversity in production landscapes and seascapes. This will support the synthesis of relevant knowledge and information about SEPLS globally, through a global map of priority SEPLS and case study analysis addressing barriers SEPLS face.
Component 3: “Capacity-building workshops and trainings.” Improving inter-sectoral collaboration and capacities for maintaining, restoring and revitalizing social and ecological values in priority SEPLS through workshops and training sessions.