Lead organization: Social Development and Research Foundation and International Conservation (FIDES)
Participating organizations (IPSI members): UNDP GEF-SGP; ICCA Consortium
This collaborative activity was completed as of May 2019
Component 1: SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL: Conservation and restoration of mangrove, rainforest and dry forest ecosystem; and maintain or increase the services and products that are part of the livelihood of many local communities.
1.1.1 Conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystem: Active participation of communities in the implementation of management plans of protected areas in the two and permanent control of conserved areas. Cleaning channels to recover the ebb and flow of water (salty and fresh) in areas that are prepared for reforestation, which currently do not have water because that have deflected or damaged the natural channels. Mangrove reforestation process and other associated species (ecosystems transition) Monitoring of reforested areas Repopulation and monitoring of blue crab (Cardisoma crassum) and black shell (Anadara similis, Anadara tuberculosa)
1.1.2 Conservation and restoration of dry forest: Support for the implementation of management plans of the participating private reserves. Quick diagnosis to identify the areas to be restored, considering the need to strengthen ecological corridors of mono capuchino blanco (Cebus albifrons aequatorialis) and establishing agreements with reservists. Establishment of nurseries and buying plants, especially those species that provide food (ovo – Spondia purpurea) and rest guachapelí (Albiciaguachapele) to mono capuchino blanco. Seeding at final location Irrigation during dry season for the better survival of plants.
1.1.3 Conservation of rainforest: Active participation of communities in the implementation of management plans of Awa ancestral territory and permanent control of conserved areas.
Conservation and restoration of mangrove, rainfores and dry forest ecosystem; and maintain or increase the services and products that are part of the livelihood of many local communities:
Component 2: SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE: Sustainable production of goods and services derived from mangrove ecosystem. (Support to the improvement of artisanal salt production. community tourism; and, organic farms production and marketing of cocoa).
Artisanal salt production is carried out by a community organization (Association of Salt Producers -ASPROSAL) of the Commune Las Gilces.
Community tourism is done four Commune (Las Gilces, San Jacinto, Santa Teresa and San Roque) in the River Portoviejo Estuary; 3 community organizations in the River Chone estuary (Association of Tourism Solidarity “Manglar Isla Corazón”, Community Tourism Center “Jóvenes del Manglar” and Artisan Center of Women “La Casita”); and Commune Playa de Oro (Esmeraldas)
Organic farms production and marketing of cocoa (Commune Playa de Oro in Esmeraldas)
2.1.1 Support of artisanal salt production for human consumption (gourmet salt) Preparation of a business plan to diversify the supply of gourmet salt for human consumption, by processing naturally flavored salt (currently only sold bulk salt for animal consumption and for making cheese). Improvement of the infrastructure for salt processing. Acquisition of equipment for processing. Technical advice for the development of salt for human consumption. Obtaining operating permits and sanitary records. Update, improvement and socialization of the quality manual of salt. Support for access to markets (marketing) Upgrading the environmental management plan prior to the renewal of environmental permits of the salineras ponds.
2.1.2 Strengthening community tourism. Improvement of tourism infrastructure Preparation of two promotional videos (one for each estuary) to be broadcast on social networks (subtitled in English). Establishing partnerships with relevant government organizations to expand tourism promotion in these two areas. Creating a Tour Operator Intercommunity between community organizations Estuary Portoviejo, Chone estuary and private reserves of the Cordillera del Balsamo. Training in quality management for tourist service. Development of security protocols Other marketing strategies (Commune Playa de Oro)
2.1.3 Strengthening of agroecological farms and marketing of cocoa in the Community Playa de Oro. Training and consultancy Improvement of the infrastructure and acquisition of equipment Support for access to markets (marketing)
Component 3: EDUCATIÓN – SENSITIZATION: This component has two parts:
1) Training of children / as in educational institutions to raise awareness of the importance of the mangrove ecosystem.
2) Formation of new leadership for environmental conservation and land management in community organizations (5 provinces). It will be an ongoing process of 16 months. The axes in the School of Leadership will be (is not in order):
3.1.1 Training for children: Design of training curriculum for children in schools of the 2 estuaries. (Development of curriculum, guide of trainers and training materials for the children. Training community staff to be promoters – trainers of this process in schools. Manage Conventions in Education Centers Implementation of the training schools (theoretical workshops, workshops with tours in the mangrove, evaluative sessions and awareness as drawing competitions, oratory competitions, etc.)
3.1.2 Training School for New Leaderships: Elaborate the design of a Leadership Training School (school curriculum, guides, training material). Call and selection of participants Implementation of school leadership for 16 months in semi-classroom training with a modular system, with at least 3 days presencial each month. Replica training organizations (10 participants for each school trained leader) Training evaluation at two levels: 50 trained leaders in school and 500 participants trained for new school leaders).
Component 4: ADVOCACY
Development and implementation of two advocacy plans:
One for the recovery of mangrove areas in the Rio Chone estuary, under current legislation, and who are currently illegally occupied by the shrimp industry.
And another to reach agreements for the development of a management plan for the river basin Portoviejo.
This component is linked to the education component as a module in the Leadership School will address the issue of advocacy and the development of these two advocacy plans, it will be part of the practical work that will make the participants (students) with advice from a team multidisciplinary and support of a national network unionized several community organizations participating in the project.
4.1.1. Advocacy Plan in the Chone river estuary based on compliance of the Decree 1391 by the shrimp industry. Design of the advocacy plan. Technical and legal diagnostics for to know about compliance of the Decree 1391 in the Chone river estuary. Based on the technical and legal diagnosis, the number of areas that still have not recovered as mandated by the Act are verified (there is evidence of breach of the Decree, but there are no studies as evidence) and the proposal is formalized recovery of these areas (advocacy plan) in coordination with the advocacy module on the Leadership Training School (Component 3) Socialization in community organizations the Rio Chone estuary on the results of technical and legal diagnosis and advocacy plan. Implementation of advocacy plan: Meetings with officials, community meetings, press releases, lobbying. Evaluation of the results.
4.1.2 Plan advocacy in Portoviejo River Estuary to reach agreements for the development of a management plan for the basin. Design of the proposed of advocacy. Technical and legal diagnostics through review of existing studies and regulations on integrated watershed management in Portoviejo River Estuary. Based on the technical and legal diagnosis, advocacy plan is drawn up in coordination with the advocacy module on the Leadership Training School (Component 3) Socialization in community organizations the Portoviejo estuary on the results of technical and legal diagnosis and advocacy plan. Implementation of advocacy plan: Meetings with officials, community meetings, press releases, lobbying. Evaluation of the results.
Actors and task sharing
Small Grants Programme / United Nations Development Programme
ICCA Consortium
Global Student Embassy
Decentralized Autonomous Government of the province of Manabí (GAD Manabí)
Global Greengrants Fund
How the activity relates to the IPSI Strategy and IPSI Plan of Action
The component 1 is aligned to the 1st and 2nd Strategic Objectives of the IPSI Strategy since they aim to improve the ecosystems which is part of the livelihood of the communities, to recover the traditional knowledge about the territorial management.
The component 2 is aligned to the 3rd Strategic Objective since it promote the added value to a local biodiversity product which will give economic benefits to the families of the communities
All the project is aligned to the objective 4 since with this experience, FIDES improves its ability to implement the Satoyama Initiative in the territories of its institutional intervention.
Expected outcomes
1200 hectares of mangroves preserved and managed sustainably.
2 areas of black shell repopulated and 4 areas repopulated blue crab, which are species that livelihood several families of fishermen.
At least 10 hectares of mangrove ecosystem restored two estuaries (Chone and Portoviejo).
At least 330 hectares of dry forest conserved and managed sustainably.
At least 200 hectares reforested by enrichment system dry forest (diversify species), with native species, especially those species that provide food and rest to the mono capuchino blanco (Cebus albifrons aequatorialis).
7.000 hectares of rainforest conserved.
The income of families salineras with the addition of new product gourmet salt are improved al 200%
We have obtained at least 2 gourmet salt presentations which are oriented to the local and national market.
Environmental management plan implemented by the salt families of Salt Producers Association, to ensure the sustainability of the artisanal salt production
It has created a Community Tourism Operator that has a tourism development plan agreed by all stakeholders.
The tourist services have different quality standards and are managed according to them.
At least 2 strategic alliances are established with touristic operators at regional and national levels that increase by at least 40% more than the number of tourists.
At least 150 hectares of organic farms have been improved
1,500 children of 15 schools trained in the importance of the mangrove ecosystem.
50 leaders at least 20 community organizations trained in aspects of environmental conservation and sustainable management of the territories by implementing a training school for New Leadership. At least 40% of the trainees are women
500 members of the organizations are trained through the system of replication of student-led training school (Each participating in the school, trained 10 members of their community organization). At least 40% of the trainees are women
Component 4: ADVOCACY
Is recovered or are recovering at least 300 hectares of mangrove ecosystem resulting from advocacy plan
It has reached agreements with major government entities with responsibilities in the management of watersheds, to implement a management plan to eradicate the main causes of pollution and erosion of the Portoviejo River basin
It established or strengthens a citizen oversight space to ensure the implementation of the management plan for the river basin Portoviejo with community participation
Monitoring and reporting
Quarterly and annual, according to the GEF-Satoyama project policy